Parsing Data Files

Directory and file names

Imec probe filenames

  • 3A probe filename has no index number after .imec., e.g. myrun_g0_t0.imec.ap.meta.
  • All later phases have a probe index, e.g. myrun_g0_t0.imec0.ap.meta.

CatGT Tip: Use option -prb_3A for 3A data, and DON'T use -prb=list!

Run folder

  • Prior to SpikeGLX version 20190214 there were no run folders. Rather, all datafiles output from a run were placed directly into the current Data Directory.

  • Version 20190214 and later first create a Run Folder within the data directory. The run folder holds all output from that run, and is named with a g-index, e.g. myrun_g0.

CatGT Tip: Use option -no_run_fld for runs before version 20190214.

Probe folders

Xilinx-based 3A, 3B1

These phases are single-probe. No option for probe folders is provided.

PXI-based 3B2, 2.0

Version 20190214 and later provide a Folder per probe option on the Save tab:

  • If not selected, no probe folders are created. Rather, all output files for a run are saved into its Run Folder.

  • If selected (checked):

    • All nidq datafiles are saved directly into the Run Folder.
    • A separate Probe Folder for each imec probe is first created in the run folder. The probe folder holds all output from that probe, and is named with both g- and probe-indices, e.g. myrun_g0_imec6.

CatGT Tip: Use option -prb_fld if option selected.

Multidrive output

PXI-based 3B2, 2.0

Before the multidrive option was introduced SpikeGLX let you specify at most one data directory to hold all your run output folders and files. As of version 20200309, there is still a main data directory, but now you can check a box to enable the splitting of runs across additional drives/directories to access greater storage capacity when doing very long runs or when using many probes.

Modulo rule

The rule for distributing run output into several data directories is this:

  • As always, the (N) probes have logical indices [0..N-1].
  • The main data directory is dir-0.
  • The set of all (M) directories, including the main one are enumerated [dir-0..dir-M-1].
  • NI output is always sent to dir-0.
  • Probe-j output is sent to dir-(j modulo M).
  • Within each dir-k SpikeGLX will create a run folder and applicable probe folders according to the same rules that apply for a single main data directory.

A Modulo B means "take the remainder of dividing integers A/B". Modulo is often written mod and is written % in C/C++ and Python code.

For example, suppose these parameters:

  • dir-0 = D:\Data
  • dir-1 = E:\DataB
  • dir-2 = G:\DataC
  • runname = myRun
  • folder per run is enabled

Example output would go here:

  • NI: D:\Data\myrun\
  • Imec0: D:\Data\myrun\myrun_g0_imec0\myrun_g0_t0.imec0.ap.bin(.meta)
  • Imec3: D:\Data\myrun\myrun_g0_imec3\myrun_g0_t0.imec3.ap.bin(.meta)
  • Imec4: E:\DataB\myrun\myrun_g0_imec4\myrun_g0_t0.imec4.ap.bin(.meta)
  • Imec8: G:\DataC\myrun\myrun_g0_imec8\myrun_g0_t0.imec8.ap.bin(.meta)

New offline behaviors

When multidrive output is enabled, a run's files are distributed over several directories. The SpikeGLX features and tools that work on sets of run files are affected as follows:

  • FileViewer/Link: To link files in the same run, that is, to show them and scroll them together, you first open any binary file from a run, then choose File/Link in the Viewer window. In the Link dialog you list which other streams in this run to open and link together. This feature only knows how to search for and link other streams that reside in the same parent data-dir/run-folder as the open file. If the multidrive option had split the run, you will only be able to link the streams that live together in one of the split run folders. You'll have to separately view and link data that live in separate data directories.

  • Tools/Sample Rates From Run: This dialog still looks the same. You select any binary file from a run and you have an option to calibrate just that data stream, or all of the streams it can find in the same run folder. If the multidrive option had split the run, this tool will only be able to locate and calibrate probes it can find in the same split run folder as the selected binary. That is, you'll have to repeat this process once for each separate data directory.

  • CatGT: Tell CatGT which probes to process by pointing to a data directory -dir=myDir and listing the probes you want to process, say -prb=0:3. In CatGT version 1.2.7 and earlier, if any probe is missing from that directory, the run stops and logs a missing file error. As of CatGT version 1.2.8 you can add option -prb_miss_ok telling CatGT to skip missing probes and continue with the next one it finds in that directory. Note that you will have to make a separate command line for each data directory, but each command line can conveniently list all of the probes in the run. You don't have to figure out the modulo rule for each directory.

  • TPrime: Unaffected. All of the input and outfile files {tostream, fromstream, events} already have independently specified paths.

Metadata differences by phase

This isn't an exhaustive list of differences. Rather, this is what we parse in our own code.

Phase 3A vs later:


  • 3A probe filename has no index number after .imec., e.g. myrun_g0_t0.imec.ap.meta.
  • All later phases have a probe index, e.g. myrun_g0_t0.imec0.ap.meta.


  • 3A contains key typeEnabled with string values from list {imec, nidq}.
  • All later phases instead contain keys {typeIMEnabled, typeNIEnabled} with integer counts of those streams.

Phase 3B1 vs later:


  • 3B1 does not have keys {imDatPrb_port, imDatPrb_slot, syncImInputSlot}.

Phase 2.0:


  • 2.0 introduces keys {imDatPrb_dock, imMaxInt}

Probe type

  • 3A contains key imProbeOpt, an integer prototype probe option code {1,2,3,4}.
  • All later phases instead contain key imDatPrb_type, an integer encoding a production probe's unique feature set.
