------- Version ------- SpikeGLX Release v20241215-phase30. Imec API at v3.70.3. IMPORTANT --------- [[ DO NOT DETECT OR RUN UNTIL YOU HAVE UPDATED YOUR MODULE FIRMWARE!! Use module firmware: BS 169, BSC 191 (included in the release package). ]] - Start SpikeGLX and use the 'Tools/Update Imec Firmware' command. - Read the help document in that dialog ('?' in titlebar). - Select the files included in this release's 'Firmware' folder. - Power cycle everything, that is, shut everything off, wait a few seconds, then turn on again. - Now you can run. Current release highlights -------------------------- ** Read 'SpikeGLX_OneBox_Quickstart.html' in the _Help folder. + Better ShankViewer window management. ShankViewer remembered window position & size differentiated by probe type. + Add remote NI_DO_Set patterned digital output. Simultaneously set several NI digital output lines. + Add remote OBX_AO_Set OneBox analog output. Set several OneBox analog outputs in one call. + Add remote NI_Wave_XXX waveplayer. + Add remote OBX_Wave_XXX OneBox waveplayer. + Add remote PauseGraphs command. + Add Wave Planner dialog. - Create stimulous waveforms using Window/Wave Planner dialog. - Play waveforms from remote scripts using either OneBox or NI devices. New with 20230202 and later --------------------------- SpikeGLX, in parallel with CatGT and C_Waves, has retired metadata ~snsShankMap and replaced that with ~snsGeomMap. Both of these structures describe where the selected sites are located on the probe surface. The ShankMap locates sites using the indices of locations in a grid. The GeomMap locates site-centers according to their (x,z) coordinates in microns. The (x,z)-origin is at the left-most edge of the probe in X, and at the center of site-0 (bottom-most) in Z. In addition to outputting GeomMaps in the metadata, SpikeGLX now depicts probes in the ShankViewers with greater realism. For example, NP 1.0 probes, which actually have a staggered site pattern, now appear that way in the software. Critical release notes ---------------------- - Using SpikeGLX will be very familiar if you used NP 1.0 (any prior version). - For 2.0 headstages, Dock 1 is on the side of the HS with two large capacitors and the Omnetics connector. Dock 2 is on the label side (flatter contour). You can use either dock or both. - The BIST (probe health tests) all function for 1.0-like probes. For 2.0 probes, the {heartbeat, signal, noise} tests are not supported by 2.0 hardware. - As always, you should calibrate your HS sample clock rates. These are stored in SpikeGLX using the HS serial number as the key because this a measurement about that particular part. However, imec did not include an EEPROM chip on the early-model 2.0 HS so the HS does not know its own serial number. SpikeGLX will require you to type the serial number into a dialog when you click Detect. You need to have read that from the label on the HS. This was corrected for later 2.0 headstages and the serial numbers are read for later HS automatically. If You've Already Used Imec Probes... ------------------------------------- This release supports all current probes (NOT phase3A). The look and feel of the software and hardware for all phases are quite similar, making it all the more important to recognize that there are key differences: << BEWARE!! >> The ZIF connector on the 1.0 and 2.0 headstage (HS) works oppositely from 3A: - In 3A you gently closed the black ZIF tab by pressing down toward the probe. - In 1.0 and 2.0, insert the probe and press the black tab back toward the headstage. [ Calibration Files ] Unlike phase3A probes, the later probes do not contain ADC and gain calibration tables in their EEPROM chips. Rather, for each probe, you need to find its matching folder of calibration data and copy it into your 'SpikeGLX/_Calibration' folder. A calibration folder is named with the serial number of its probe (as printed on the probe flex cable). These folders are available from whoever shipped you the probes. ------------------------- Deployment / Installation ------------------------- Basically, download a zip file and extract the whole folder 'Release_vXXX' to the C:\ drive. However, we recommend that you manually create a folder on the C:\ drive -- 'C:\SpikeGLX\' as a master SpikeGLX folder that will hold one or more downloaded software versions. As many versions as desired can live side by side in the folder. Manually create a desktop shortcut pointing just to the version you currently like (usually the latest). The rationale for this is you can readily revert to an older version (just by changing the shortcut) should the latest one have a bug or an incompatibility with your current experiment setup. So, your drive might resemble: C:\SpikeGLX Release_v20241215-phase30 Release_v20241001-phase30 Release_v20200520-phase20 Release_v20190413-phase3B1 ... --------------- Getting Started --------------- You are urged to read the included 'UserManual.html' to familiarize yourself with some important concepts. The other '.html' documents in the SpikeGLX/_Help folder add specialized discussion. Help and How-To videos are on my downloads page: . ----------------- Launching the App ----------------- Double-click the SpikeGLX.exe (or SpikeGLX_NISIM.exe) icon... Your package includes two application versions: - SpikeGLX.exe: This is the fully functional version. It can acquire data from imec and from nidq hardware. However, you have to install National Instruments NI-DAQmx driver software to run it. Otherwise, when you try to launch you'll get messages about one or more missing niXXX.dll components. This version is appropriate for the lab computer where you run experiments. - SpikeGLX_NISIM.exe: This is the 'simulated nidq' version. It can acquire real imec data, but it cannot talk to nidq hardware (nor is NI software needed). Rather, if you enable nidq data acquisition (using the Devices Tab of the Config dialog) it will generate simple sine waves on all of the analog channels in the nidq stream. Use this version if you only care about imec probes. Also use this version to open and review existing runs on a laptop where you likely don't have any hardware. ------- License ------- The Janelia Research Campus Software Copyright 1.2 Copyright (c) 2024, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; REASONABLE ROYALTIES; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. QLed components are subject to GNU Library GPL v2.0 terms, which are described here: --------------- Release History --------------- Changes in 20241215 ------------------- + Better ShankViewer window management. + Reference type recorded in metadata. + Add remote NI_DO_Set patterned digital output. + Add remote NI_Wave_XXX waveplayer. + Add remote OBX_AO_Set OneBox analog output. + Add remote OBX_Wave_XXX OneBox waveplayer. + Add remote PauseGraphs command. + Add Wave Planner dialog. Changes in 20241001 ------------------- + API 3.70.3. + Imro editor shows hover-over anatomy region. + New audio dialog with click and play feature. + Improve sharing of NI analog with external apps. + Checks for OneBox FTDI drivers. + Support NP2021 quad-probe. + Support NP1014, NP1033, NP2005, NP2006. Changes in 20240620 ------------------- + API 3.70.2. + Support NP2020 quad-probe. + Add VISA control of large PXI chassis. + Add more probe geometry to metadata. + Imro editor can edit save-chan subset. + Improve passive probe PN/SN dialog. + Improve support for NPNH_HS_30, as custom "NP1221" probe. + Improve loading of custom imro files. Changes in 20240129 ------------------- + Fix geomMap indexing error. + Improve selection in Configure Slots dialog. + Improve handling of unknown probe types. + Improve generation of NI sample rates. + Allow remote fetch of filtered IM stream. + Simplify run initialization progress dialog. + FileViewer gets LF-band filter. + New imro editor site selection scheme. Changes in 20231207 ------------------- + API 3.62.1. + Support probe NP1016. + imErrFlags(ip) reported per probe. + Firmware version test added to BIST and HST. Changes in 20230905 ------------------- + Fix IMRO Editor editability test. + Fix bad-channels grafting to ~snsGeomMap. + Fix Graphs window bandpass filter. + Add headstage tester message. + Add update message if unsupported probe. + Add ShankView right-click menu. + Improve simulated probe imro selection. + Relocate Audio command: Options -> Window menu. + Add SpikeViewer feature. Changes in 20230815 ------------------- + API 3.62. + Support metal cap 2.0 (NP2014) probes. + Add low latency mode. + Now have - and - offset subtraction. + Improve open metadata error reporting. + Add SaveChannels: autofill to implanted depth. Changes in 20230425 ------------------- + Fix Whisper ShankView. + Fix remote call to set audio parameters. + Fix running multiple sim probes. + FileViewer handles CatGT AP -> LF files. + Graphs can stack vertically. + Imro editor gets up to 16 boxes. + Imro editor warning box "Can't apply edit if recording." + Improve csv export of imec SY channel. + Widen survey transition boundaries. + Add filtered IM stream buffers. + Improve SNR for {audio, ShankViewer, surveys}. + Support 2B internal ground reference. + Add probe error flags to metadata. + Add tip-length to metadata. + Add remote call getGeomMap(). + Pinpoint anatomy stored in metadata. + Pinpoint anatomy colors shanks. + Pinpoint anatomy colors traces. Changes in 20230411 ------------------- + API 3.60. + Fix running both PH2B docks. + Fix probe table memory bug. + Fix editing missing imro file. + Fix simulating missing lfp file. + Fix timestamps on probe settings. + Allow negative FileViewer file offsets. + Allow zero-sample remote fetches. Changes in 20230326 ------------------- + API 3.59. + Support probes {2003,2004,2013,2014}. + Extended probe metadata. + Add FileViewer file offset feature. + Add firmware version alert. Changes in 20230323 ------------------- + Fix crash when selecting LFP in ShankViewer. + Improve ShankViewer window state memory. Changes in 20230320 ------------------- + Fix Rows-per-box mistake in the shank editor. Changes in 20230202 ------------------- + Fix single-threaded configuration of simulated probes. + Fix viewing of LFP survey files. + More realistic shank views. + Remove ~snsShankMap (probe cartoon) from imec metadata. + Add ~snsGeomMap (true probe geometry) to imec metadata. + Add passive probe part number dialog. Changes in 20230120 ------------------- + Revert to single-threaded probe configuration. Changes in 20230101 ------------------- + API 3.57. Changes in 20221220 ------------------- + API 3.56. + Fix TTL misses trigger if gate open long time. + FileViewer yPix saved for each stream type. + Improve multistream error messages. + Support NHP probes {1011, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016}. + Support NHP probes {1022, 1032}. + Support UHD probes {1120, 1121, 1122, 1123}. + Support headstages {NPNH_HS_31}. + Support all SN 2047xxx headstages. Changes in 20221212 ------------------- + Fix editing of passive UHD IMROs. Changes in 20221031 ------------------- + Fix imec sync SMA input. + Fix IMRO editor boxes selector bug. + Fix shankMap handling for NI files. + Improve Graphs window slider paging. + Add LFP filter to Graphs window. + Add FileViewer command to view meta file. + Add ~muxTbl entry to probe metadata. + Add sim slots. + Add sim probes. Changes in 20221012-phase30 --------------------------- + API 3.52 fixes newer HS detection issue. Changes in 20220101-phase30 --------------------------- + API 3.51. + Fix NI channel counting. + Fix NI AI buffer sizing. + Fix remote gate/trigger server. + LF metadata gets ~snsShankMap. + Enable HST for 1.0. + Update Par2 tool. + Write firstSample earlier in run. + LF FileViewer understands CatGT downsampled AP. + Improve NI analog input accuracy. + Improve BinMax speed. + Improve Configuration dialog UI. + Improve run startup dialog. + Improve graph label visibility. + Improve help. + Edit run notes from Graphs Window. + ShankViewers now floating windows. + FileViewer gets ShankViewer. + Add probe Survey mode. + Add graphical IMRO editing. + Add IMRO editing to online/offline ShankViewers + Add Onebox support. + Add MATLAB Onebox support. + Add MATLAB opto-probe support. + Add MATLAB probe param getters and setters. + Add MATLAB Onebox param getters and setters. + Simplify/optimize MATLAB remote interface. + Add C++ remote API. + Remote APIs now separate downloads. + MATLAB users must reinstall @SpikeGL and CalinsNetMex.mexw64. Changes in 20201103-phase30 --------------------------- + Make Update Firmware dialog more modal. + Improve lagging trigger error report. + Update docs. Changes in 20201024-phase30 --------------------------- + Improve firmware update reliability. + Update HST unimplemented message. Changes in 20201012-phase30 --------------------------- + API 3.31. + Add support for NP1010 and NP1100 probes. + Improve text in firmware update dialog. + Improve text in BIST dialog. Changes in 20200513-phase30 --------------------------- + Initial NP 3.0. + Improve table editors. + Improve firmware update progress bar. + Fix crash when delete and re-add slots. + Fix "Sample Rates From Run." + Add new imro selectors. + Add FileViewer graph statistics. + FileViewer can open any 3A or later run. + ShankMap editor handles zero neural channels. + Change names of firmware files: "BS_FPGA_XXX, "QBSC_FPGA_XXX." Changes in 20200309-phase20 --------------------------- + Add multidisk run splitting. + Can now select/explore disk top level directory. + MATLAB better handling of Windows path strings. Changes in 20191001-phase20 --------------------------- + "Sample Rates From Run" now updates LF. + CAR filters applied whole-probe, not shank-by-shank. + Fix NI DI and PFI channel counting. + Fix ShankViewer crash if shift or right-click. + Fix linking of exported files in FileViewer. + Remove SY entry from exported snsShankMap. + Graphs Window default now user order. + Improve FileViewer slider tracking. + Improve short timespan graphing. Changes in 20190919-phase20 --------------------------- + API v2.11. + Fix SYNC, now fully functional. + Fix 4-shank tip and internal refs. + Fix calibration run file naming. + Fix select NI for sync if not enabled. + Fix ShankView LFP option. + Trigger context margin now half stream length. Changes in 20190911-phase20 --------------------------- + Invert sign of AP band data. + Fix 'AP + LF' bandpass filter in Graphs window. Changes in 20190724-phase20 --------------------------- + Initial NP 2.0. + BIST tests not implemented. + HST tests not implemented. + HS has no EEPROM to remember its serial number. + IMRO editors load externally made maps. + Right-click-in-graph config editing has 60s delay. + Module SYNC connector is INPUT ONLY. Changes in 20190413-phase3B2 ---------------------------- + Better parsing of file paths. + TTL settings now remember stream correctly. + Fix MATLAB SDK: DemoReadSGLXData.m/ChanGainsIM(). + IMRO: Select block anywhere on shank. + NI supports 653X DIO devices. + Time trigger: negative L overlaps files. + Headstage tester (HST) now supported. Changes in 20190327-phase3B2 ---------------------------- + Fix parsing of filenames with dots. + Fix MATLAB GetImProbeSN command. + Add MATLAB GetImProbeCount command. + Add MATLAB GetImVoltageRange command. + Add MATLAB MapSample command. + Add MATLAB file-writing beeps. + NI Clock Source dialog gets settle time variable. Changes in 20190305-phase3B2 ---------------------------- + Fix negative g-index from Graphs window. + Fix max rate query for some NI devices. + Support up to 32 NI multifunction DI channels. + Time trigger realigns each file. + Optional confirmation on Disable Recording. + Right-click/Refresh Graphs command. + Add MATLAB SetNextFileName command. + Imec SMA always an input unless specifically set as sync output. Changes in 20190214-phase3B2 ---------------------------- + Cleaner stops when disabling recording. + Optional LF-AP save-channel pairing. + Always save sync channel. + Smarter continuation run naming. + Folder per run. + Folder per probe option. Changes in 20180829-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + Fix TTL trigger bug. + NI works with PXI, M, X devices. + Updates to MATLAB API. + Calibrated sample rates stored in _Calibration. + ImecProbeData folder renamed to _Calibration. + configs folder renamed to _Configs. + More accurate disk speed estimates. + Offline BinMax stepping is selectable. + More efficient data acquisition. + Log reports caller CPU. + Better show/hide window behavior. + Fix typos in documentation. + Merge practice with 3B2 version. Changes in 20180715-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + Introduce imec probe cal policy. + Fix test for existing run dir. + Fix test for existing run name. + Name NI devices anything you want. + Add MATLAB 'connectionClosed' warningid. + Add MATLAB query for imec probe SN/type. Changes in 20180515-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + Fix FileViewer imec.lf crash. Changes in 20180415-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + Graph Window stream selectors. + Fix FileViewer filter. + Gate/Trigger server gets enable checkbox. + Brighter sweep cursor. + More accurate disk space calculator. + Update Qled components. + Update license notices. Changes in 20180325-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + Fix file writing when gate auto-enabled at run start. + Fix inaccurate Acquisition clock. + Fix imro per-channel AP filter (flip sense). + Fix imro gain 3000 setting. + Fix MATLAB SetParams, StartRun, GetRunName. + Fix MATLAB connection timeouts. + Improve graph filters. + FileViewer gets right-click shankMap editing. + Steadier view when changing Graphs:chans_per_page. + Enable Recording button shown by default. Changes in 20180316-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + Fix problem triggering on imec without nidq. + Change imec yielding and error 15 handling. Changes in 20170903-phase3B1 ---------------------------- + FVW fix ~TRG label. + FVW prettier graph resizing. + FVW selected span readout. + Graph labels easier to read. + Audio fix scaling bug. + Audio fix freezing bug. + Improve Par2 Cancel operation. + Config dialog checks ColorTTL settings. + Data fetching more efficient. + Enhanced error handling and logging. + New stream synchronization features. Changes in 20170901-phase3A --------------------------- + Fix Imec FIFO queue filling problem. + Improve nidq dual-device settings logic. Changes in 20170814 ------------------- + Fix new bug configuring only nidq stream. Changes in 20170808 ------------------- + Fix bug in TTL trigger. + Begin hidden multistream work. Changes in 20170724 ------------------- + Improve look and abort function of run startup dialog. + Fix bug in Timed trigger when gate is closed-reopened. + Fix bug setting audio highpass filter from MATLAB. + Add MATLAB SetMetaData function. Changes in 20170501 ------------------- + Audio output for either stream. + Smoother quitting of runs upon Imec errors. + Menu items to Explore run dir, app dir. + Force gets 'Explore ImecProbeData' button. + Force '11 -> 9' button sets probe option. + FileViewer gets channel submenus. + Add MATLAB GettingStarted.txt. + Improve 'Metadata.html' discussion. Changes in 20170315 ------------------- + Fix FileViewer bug drawing nidq aux channels. + Current file labels added to Graphs window. + Better graph label legibility. + Better BinMax (spike drawing) signal-to-noise. + Include 'Metadata.html' explaining tags. + Include MATLAB code for parsing output files. + Remember screen layout. Changes in 20161201 ------------------- + Prettier dialogs that resize: + Config, IM-Force, IMROTable, ShankMaps, ChanMaps, + CmdServer, RemoteServer, Help, + AO, FVWOptions, BIST, PAR2. + Add shank viewer help text. + Graphs get save and AO indicators. + Right-click graphs to edit sort order. + Right-click graphs to edit saved channels. + Right-click graphs to colorize TTL events. + Sort graphs along shank: forward or reverse order. + User notes field on Config::Save tab. + User notes in metadata and FileViewer. + FileViewer Zoom in/out key commands. + FileViewer Zoom by ctrl-click & drag. + FileViewer Set Export Range now shift-click & drag. + FileViewer gets option to manually update graphs. + Extend TTL triggering to imec and nidq digital lines. + Improved graph time axis accuracy. Changes in 20161101 ------------------- + Increase FVW YScale to 999. + Gray config items if stream disabled. + Improve ShankMap editors. + Add ShankMap viewers. Changes in 20160806 ------------------- + Fix enabled state of "Edit On/Off" R-click item. + Fix filters to obey order: Flt:::BinMax. Changes in 20160805 ------------------- + More predictable file starts in Timed trigger mode. + Rename graphing option "-DC" to "-". + Add - option to online NI stream. + Add default ShankMap backing spatial channel averaging. + Add - option to online streams. + Add - option to offline viewers. + Split Config SNS tab into Map and Save tabs. + Add ShankMap file support. + Add ShankMap editors. + Can order ChanMap according to ShankMap. + Imec internal refs: UI to turn off option 3 chans. + Edit imro or on/off during run with R-click in graphs. + Make sure R-click changes update ShankMap. Changes in 20160703 ------------------- + Imec v4.3. + Fix spelling error. + Update doc texts. + Better ChanMap editor. + FVW can hide all. + FVW can edit ChanMap. + FVW better channel selection. + FVW fix export ChanMap. + FVW fix export time span. Changes in 20160701 ------------------- + Clean up imec startup. + Fix AO initialization. + Correct MATLAB docs. + Better default server addresses. + Meta file written before and after. + Meta gets firstCt time stamp. + File viewer opens any stream type. + Better FVW UI for graph and time ranges. + Faster FVW param setters and dragging. + FVW linking. + FVW help text. Changes in 20160601 ------------------- + MATLAB: GetFileStartCount. + Fix TTL trigger bug. Changes in 20160515 ------------------- + Imec v4.2. + Add option to disable LEDs. + Imec diagnostics (BIST) dialog. + Update imec start sequence. + More AO filter options. + Fix AO deadlock. + Render digital channels. + Nicer default values. Changes in 20160511 ------------------- + Add BinMax checkbox. + Fix AO dialog issue. + Split imec data files. + Gate start waits for sample arrival. + Improve stream sync in all triggers. + Add recording time display. + Update help texts. Changes in 20160502 ------------------- + Fix bug in TTL trigger type. + Better handling of "?" button. + Add remote sort order query. Changes in 20160501 ------------------- + Extensive support is added for broken EEPROMs: + Calibrate ADC and gain from imec data files. + Optionally skip any calibrations if data unavailable. + Help text: click 'Help' in Force dialog... + Or read 'Force_Help.html' in release package. + More accurate time displays. Changes in 20160408 ------------------- + Imec support at v4.1 + (ADC calib, optional gain calib, sync input). + Imec setup panel gets force identity button. Changes in 20160404 ------------------- + Imec support remains at v3.5 (ADC calibration). + Reenable spike and TTL triggers. + Recast trigger pause as gate override. + MATLAB: SetTrgEnable -> SetRecordingEnable. Changes in 20160401 ------------------- + Imec support at v3.5 (ADC calibration). + Detect if USB NI device connected. + Multiple SpikeGLX can run but one owns NI. + Errors bring console window to top. + Config dialog gets disk space calculator. Changes in 20160305 ------------------- + Fix timing issue with USB NI-DAQ. + Disable imec ref disconnect functions. + Flesh out SN field of imro table. Changes in 20160304 ------------------- + Imec support at v3.4 (faster startup, improved reference signal routing). + Fix run startup bug. + Fix DC subtraction bug. + Fix NI digital channel issue. + Message if set bank out of range. + Right-click to edit Imec settings. Changes in 20160302 ------------------- + v20160101 removed from site. + Fix bug setting bank 0. + Start including SpikeGLX-MATLAB-SDK in release. + Updated help text/UserManual with discussion of performance topics. Changes in 20160301 ------------------- + SpikeGLX folder requires "libNeuropix_basestation_api.dll". + Configuration dialog gets {Devices, IM Setup} Tabs. + Updated run pause/resume options moved from Triggers Tab to Gates Tab. + Data are processed in two parallel "streams": imec stream, nidq stream. + Each stream generates own datafiles {.imec.bin, .imec.meta} {.nidq.bin, .nidq.meta}. + Some renaming of metadata items to distinguish stream type. + Each stream gets own channel map and own save-channel string. + Each stream gets own Graphs window viewer pane. + All graphing uses pages of stacked traces. + New Graphs window Run Toolbar layout. + NI viewer gets low-pass filter option. + MATLAB API modified to fetch from either imec or nidq stream. + Online help text rewritten. + Includes SpikeGLX.exe: Real Imec and NI-DAQ acquisition. + Includes SpikeGLX_NISIM.exe: Real Imec and simulated NI-DAQ acquisition. Temporarily disabled: - Spike trigger option. - TTL trigger option. - AO for Imec channels. - Offline file viewer for Imec files. - Graphs window save-channel checkboxes. Changes in 20160101 ------------------- - Fix bug: SpikeGLX hangs on remote setTrgEnable command. - Fix bug: Remote setRunName doesn't handle _g_t tags correctly. - Data files now get double extension '.nidq.bin', '.nidq.meta'. - Offline file viewer enabled. Original 20151231 ----------------- - Function set very close to original SpikeGL.