The disk performance measures do pertain to the NI data stream, but most metrics are specific to imec devices.
GOOD: No entries in this section.
BAD: Any entries in this section.
For each imec stream we monitor the cumulative count of several error flags, hence, imec05 denotes the flags for probe steam 5. Note that quad-base probes (part number NP2020) record flags for each shank, hence, quad03-2 denotes that stream 3 is a quad-probe and the flags are from shank 2.
The flags are labeled {COUNT, SERDES, LOCK, POP, SYNC}.
Any instances of these errors implies that samples have been dropped. It is not possible to tell how many samples are dropped from these counts. All you can tell is that some of the data being transmitted from the device are corrupt or missing.
These flags correspond to bits of the status/SYNC word that is visible as the last channel in the graphs and in your recorded data (quad-probes have 4 separate status words):
bit 0: Acquisition start trigger received
bit 1: not used
bit 2: COUNT error
bit 3: SERDES error
bit 4: LOCK error
bit 5: POP error
bit 6: Synchronization waveform
bit 7: SYNC error (unrelated to sync waveform)
It may be possible to see which region of recorded data experienced these errors if you see blips on those bits.
GOOD: Lower than 4% full.
BAD: Greater than 20% full.
Samples acquired from each imec stream are held in a FIFO buffer on the BS card until the SpikeGLX acquisition loop fetches them into the computer for processing. If the computer is running slow the buffers will start to fill up which is NOT what you want. The only harm in running with a small amount of filling is that the latency is a little longer.
If the level rises to 95% full for any stream SpikeGLX will stop the run before an overflow (data loss) occurs.
GOOD: Lower than 75% active.
BAD: Greater than 90% active.
This is akin to CPU activity level you may be familiar with in the Windows Task Manager. SpikeGLX runs one or more worker threads (sub-processes). Each worker is responsible for acquiring data from between one and three probes/OneBoxes, and it marshals those data into the history streams where you can graph it, record it, and so on. The workers check for fresh data to process about 500 times per second to keep the latency low. When there isn't much to do, a worker sleeps and allows other threads more time to do their jobs. This metric shows the percentage of time that a stream, really, its worker, is awake and processing data.
If the system is running very comfortably the workers will easily handle their task and be able to snooze often. If the system is struggling and work is piling up the workers will have to go into overtime to catch up. If SpikeGLX can not catch up, the run may be stopped due to a FIFO overflow or other exceeded limit.
Note: If you check the
Low latency
box on theIM Setup
tab of theConfigure
dialog, the data fetching workers run at full speed without yielding. The activity will be reported as a normal 100%.
Other Applications: Momentary stresses are caused by launching Excel, MATLAB or other resource hogging bursts of activity. Try to run as few applications as possible to prevent overtaxing the CPUs.
Audio: Listening to audio channels is a huge burden on the system. It's usually fine unless you are recording to disk, which is one of the next biggest stressors. To ensure successful recording, try not to run audio when not needed.
More Traces: This window doubles the graphing work load, try closing the secondary Graphs window to allow more resource for critical recording.
Fewer Probes: Every PC will have an inherent limit to the number of imec probes it can handle. It takes a modern workstation with NVMe drives and 7th or 8th generation CPUs to manage 16+ probes.
GOOD: Lower than 5% full.
BAD: Greater than 40% full.
When recording is in progress, each stream transfers data to be written from the history stream into a holding write buffer
. A worker thread transfers the data from the write buffer to the disk when the disk is available. This adds a little extra tolerance against data loss should the disk be running slow.
There values are the worst case filling percentage for each type of stream in the run.
These data are also shown as FileQFill%
in the status bar at the bottom of the Console window when recording is enabled.
GOOD: Actual and Required match.
BAD: Actual lower than Required.
There are two values shown. The average write rate in MB/s for all of the streams in the run and the target write rate needed to keep up.
These data are also shown in the status bar at the bottom of the Console window when recording is enabled.
GOOD: Higher than 50%.
BAD: Lower than 10%.
Think of the history stream as a conveyor belt where samples from the hardware are placed on the right hand side and they travel on the belt to the left. Any client needing access to samples {audio, disk, graphing, MATLAB, ...} can pick them up off the belt anywhere, but once data items get all the way to the left end they are discarded to make room for new data entering on the right. So data on the right are fresh/new and left-hand data are oldest.
This metric describes where the trigger (file writing) worker is getting its samples, as a percentage of the distance along the stream (the belt) from left to right. High values mean we are pulling the latest samples, which we should be able to do unless the system is bogging down. If the workers responsible for getting data are running slow and falling behind then their target samples will have travelled some distance to the left before being picked up for recording.
SpikeGLX will stop the run if any recording streams are so late that their data have dropped off the left-hand side.
Note: If the trigger client persistently reports
that tells us this client is running alright but the history queue isn't getting fresh samples at an adequate pace. Either the acquisition worker thread that moves data from the hardware buffer to this history queue is running too slowly, or the flow of data into the hardware buffer may have stopped.
The box captures all the error and warning messages that are also being sent to the main Console window, but only within the span of the current run.
The box is cleared at the start of the next run.