Test Versions

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This site supports prototype and currently shipping commercial products.
The latest commercial PXI-based components are:

  • Hardware: Neuropixels 1.0 probes (also called phase3B2).
  • Software: SpikeGLX 3.0 (also called phase30).

There are no test versions at this time

PXI Module Firmware

A module can only run one flavor of SpikeGLX at a time because it can only contain firmware of one flavor at a time. To run SpikeGLX-phase3B2 the hardware module must contain Neuropixels 1.0 (phase3B2) firmware. To run SpikeGLX-phase20 the module must contain Neuropixels 2.0 firmware. Likewise for the newest SpikeGLX-phase30.

You can always change the firmware, either to get the latest bug fixes, or to switch SpikeGLX flavors. SpikeGLX-phase30 ships with its required firmware package. Older firmware packages are available below: download the appropriate one and unzip it to your hard drive. Note that each package contains two files, one for the FPGA on the basestation (BS) and one for the FPGA on the basestation connect card (BSC). The filenames contain either 'BS' or 'BSC' so you can tell them apart.

Run SpikeGLX and select menu item Tools/Update Imec Firmware. Click the ? button in the dialog titlebar to get further help.
